home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2004-07-01 | 9.2 KB | 289 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute17;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute18;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute19;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute20;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute21;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute22;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute23;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute24;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute25;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute26;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute27;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute28;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute29;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute30;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute31;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute32;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute33;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute34;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute35;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute36;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute37;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute38;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute39;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute40;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute41;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute42;
- Global ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute43;
- Global Group Group116;
- Global Group Group117;
- Global Layer Layer118;
- Global Layer Layer119;
- Global Layer Layer120;
- Global Layer Layer121;
- Global Layer Layer122;
- Global Timer Timer123;
- Global AnimatedLayer AnimatedLayer124;
- Global AnimatedLayer AnimatedLayer125;
- Global Int Int126;
- Global Int Int127;
- Global Button Button128;
- Global Button Button129;
- Global Int Int130;
- Function func242();
- Function func2178();
- func242()
- {
- ConfigItem ConfigItem46;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem55;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute75;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute74;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem64;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute73;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem52;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem58;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem49;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem61;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute77;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem69;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute72;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute78;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem71;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute84;
- ConfigItem ConfigItem67;
- ConfigAttribute ConfigAttribute79;
- ConfigItem46 = Config.newItem(( "Winamp\ Modern"), ( "\{26E26319\-AECA\-4433\-B8F1\-F4A5BF2A9ED5\}"));
- ConfigItem49 = Config.newItem(( "Drawers"), ( "\{C338B30F\-2A04\-4b10\-871F\-4E9D52D62806\}"));
- ConfigItem52 = Config.newItem(( "Menus"), ( "\{12ED320E\-6813\-45ac\-9F8E\-78EE5B2B5F6D\}"));
- ConfigItem55 = Config.newItem(( "Main\ Windowshade\ Mode"), ( "\{58F07E21\-AE96\-4899\-B7BC\-3640B40029FB\}"));
- ConfigItem58 = Config.newItem(( "Vis\ Buttons"), ( "\{D70E3ABF\-D2FF\-4b82\-9A70\-4B5DF1A5D942\}"));
- ConfigItem61 = Config.newItem(( "Notifications"), ( "\{1AB968B3\-8687\-4a35\-BA70\-FCF6D92FB57F\}"));
- ConfigItem64 = Config.newItem(( "Songticker"), ( "\{7061FDE0\-0E12\-11D8\-BB41\-0050DA442EF3\}"));
- ConfigItem67 = Config.newItem(( "Hidden"), ( "\{E9C2D926\-53CA\-400f\-9A4D\-85E31755A4CF\}"));
- ConfigItem69 = Config.getItem(( "\{1828D28F\-78DD\-4647\-8532\-EBA504B8FC04\}"));
- ConfigItem71 = Config.getItem(( "\{6559CA61\-7EB2\-4415\-A8A9\-A2AEEF762B7F\}"));
- ConfigAttribute72 = ConfigItem69.newAttribute(( "Winamp\ Modern"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute72.setData(( "\{26E26319\-AECA\-4433\-B8F1\-F4A5BF2A9ED5\}"));
- ConfigAttribute73 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Drawers"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute73.setData(( "\{C338B30F\-2A04\-4b10\-871F\-4E9D52D62806\}"));
- ConfigAttribute74 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Menus"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute74.setData(( "\{12ED320E\-6813\-45ac\-9F8E\-78EE5B2B5F6D\}"));
- ConfigAttribute75 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Main\ Windowshade\ Mode"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute75.setData(( "\{58F07E21\-AE96\-4899\-B7BC\-3640B40029FB\}"));
- ConfigAttribute77 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Vis\ Shortcut\ Button"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute77.setData(( "\{D70E3ABF\-D2FF\-4b82\-9A70\-4B5DF1A5D942\}"));
- ConfigAttribute78 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Notifications"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute78.setData(( "\{1AB968B3\-8687\-4a35\-BA70\-FCF6D92FB57F\}"));
- ConfigAttribute79 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Songticker"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute79.setData(( "\{7061FDE0\-0E12\-11D8\-BB41\-0050DA442EF3\}"));
- ConfigAttribute17 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "Animate\ Video\/Vis\ Drawer\ \(disabled\ if\ opacity\ \<\ 100\%\)"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute18 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "Animate\ Config\ Drawer"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute84 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "sep1"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute84.setData(( "\-"));
- ConfigAttribute21 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "Open\ Video\/Vis\ from\ the\ top"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute22 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "Open\ Video\/Vis\ from\ the\ bottom"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute23 = ConfigItem49.newAttribute(( "Bypass\ setting\ to\ keep\ in\ screen"), ( "1"));
- if(( ConfigAttribute21.getData() == ( "1"))) {
- ConfigAttribute21.onDataChanged();
- } else {
- ConfigAttribute22.onDataChanged();
- }
- ConfigAttribute25 = ConfigItem52.newAttribute(( "Show\ Menus\ in\ Main\ Window"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute26 = ConfigItem52.newAttribute(( "Show\ Menus\ in\ Playlist\ Editor"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute27 = ConfigItem52.newAttribute(( "Show\ Menus\ in\ Media\ Library"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute84 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "sep1"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute84.setData(( "\-"));
- ConfigAttribute19 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Detach\ Vis\ Window"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute20 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Detach\ Video\ Window"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute24 = ConfigItem71.newAttribute(( "Equalizer\ Alt\+G"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute84 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "sep2"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute84.setData(( "\-"));
- ConfigAttribute31 = ConfigItem46.newAttribute(( "Enable\ Beat\ Visualization"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute28 = ConfigItem55.newAttribute(( "Link\ Position\ and\ Width"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute29 = ConfigItem55.newAttribute(( "Link\ Position\,\ Unlink\ Width"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute30 = ConfigItem55.newAttribute(( "Unlink\ Position\ and\ Width"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute33 = ConfigItem58.newAttribute(( "Open\ Context\ Menu"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute32 = ConfigItem58.newAttribute(( "Open\ Configuration"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute36 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "Show\ always"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute35 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "Show\ with\ windowshade\ and\ when\ minimized"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute34 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "Show\ only\ when\ minimized"), ( "0"));
- ConfigAttribute37 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "Never\ show"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute84 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "sep1"), ( ""));
- ConfigAttribute84.setData(( "\-"));
- ConfigAttribute41 = ConfigItem61.newAttribute(( "Disable\ in\ fullscreen"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute38 = ConfigItem67.newAttribute(( "Notifications\ fade\ in\ time"), ( "1000"));
- ConfigAttribute39 = ConfigItem67.newAttribute(( "Notifications\ fade\ out\ time"), ( "5000"));
- ConfigAttribute40 = ConfigItem67.newAttribute(( "Notifications\ display\ time"), ( "2000"));
- ConfigAttribute42 = ConfigItem64.newAttribute(( "Enable\ Songticker\ scrolling"), ( "1"));
- ConfigAttribute43 = ConfigItem64.newAttribute(( "Disable\ Songticker\ scrolling"), ( "0"));
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- func242();
- Group116 = System.getScriptGroup();
- Group117 = Group116.findObject(( "player\.normal\.display\.beatvisualization"));
- Layer118 = Group116.findObject(( "beatdisplayoverlay"));
- AnimatedLayer124 = Group116.findObject(( "beatleft"));
- AnimatedLayer125 = Group116.findObject(( "beatright"));
- Button128 = Group116.findObject(( "beatvisualization"));
- Button129 = Group116.findObject(( "beatvisualization2"));
- Layer119 = Group116.findObject(( "display\.right"));
- Layer120 = Group116.findObject(( "display\.right\.overlay2"));
- Layer121 = Group116.findObject(( "display\.st\.right"));
- Layer122 = Group116.findObject(( "visualization\.overlay"));
- Int126 = 0;
- Int127 = 0;
- Timer123 = ( new Timer);
- Timer123.setDelay(10);
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptUnloading()
- {
- delete Timer123;
- return Null;
- }
- func2178()
- {
- Int Int142;
- Int Int152;
- Int142 = Group116.getWidth();
- if(( ( Int142 % 2) != 0)) {
- Layer119.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.right"));
- Layer120.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.right"));
- Layer121.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.songticker\.bg\.right"));
- Layer122.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.visualization\.overlay"));
- } else {
- Layer119.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.right2"));
- Layer120.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.right2"));
- Layer121.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.songticker\.bg\.right2"));
- Layer122.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.visualization\.overlay2"));
- }
- if(( Int142 < 480)) {
- Int152 = ( ( Int142 - 60) / 2);
- Group117.setXmlParam(( "x"), System.integerToString(Int152));
- Group117.show();
- if(( ConfigAttribute31.getData() == ( "1"))) {
- Timer123.stop();
- Timer123.start();
- } else {
- Timer123.stop();
- AnimatedLayer124.gotoFrame(0);
- AnimatedLayer125.gotoFrame(0);
- }
- } else {
- Group117.hide();
- Timer123.stop();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Group116.onResize(int x, int y, int w, int h)
- {
- func2178();
- return Null;
- }
- Timer123.onTimer()
- {
- Int Int158;
- Int Int159;
- Int Int161;
- Int Int162;
- Int158 = System.getLeftVuMeter();
- Int159 = System.getRightVuMeter();
- Int161 = ( Int158 / 16);
- Int162 = ( Int159 / 16);
- if(( Int161 < 14)) {
- Int161 = 14;
- }
- if(( Int162 < 14)) {
- Int162 = 14;
- }
- if(( Int161 > Int126)) {
- Int161 = ( Int126 - 1);
- if(( Int161 > 0)) {
- Int161 = 0;
- }
- }
- if(( Int162 > Int127)) {
- Int162 = ( Int127 - 1);
- if(( Int162 > 0)) {
- Int162 = 0;
- }
- }
- Int126 = Int161;
- Int127 = Int162;
- AnimatedLayer124.gotoFrame(Int161);
- AnimatedLayer125.gotoFrame(Int162);
- return Null;
- }
- ConfigAttribute31.onDataChanged()
- {
- func2178();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onKeyDown(String key)
- {
- if(( key == ( "shift\+ctrl\+alt"))) {
- Int130 = 1;
- complete;
- } else {
- Int130 = 0;
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Button128.onLeftClick()
- {
- if(( ConfigAttribute31.getData() == ( "1"))) {
- ConfigAttribute31.setData(( "0"));
- } else {
- ConfigAttribute31.setData(( "1"));
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Button129.onActivate(int activated)
- {
- if(( ! Int130)) {
- Button128.leftClick();
- return Null;
- }
- Timer123.stop();
- if(activated) {
- AnimatedLayer124.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.beat\.left2"));
- AnimatedLayer125.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.beat\.right2"));
- Layer118.hide();
- } else {
- AnimatedLayer124.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.beat\.left"));
- AnimatedLayer125.setXmlParam(( "image"), ( "player\.display\.beat\.right"));
- Layer118.show();
- }
- func2178();
- return Null;
- }